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Link to Udemy
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[https://www.udemy.com/course/playwright-from-zero-to-hero Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero]
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* Udemy: [https://www.udemy.com/course/playwright-from-zero-to-hero Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero]
* My GitHub Playwright Udemy Course [https://github.com/VincentDirks/Playwright-Udemy-Course my repo #1] & [https://github.com/VincentDirks/Playwright-Udemy-Course-2 my repo #2]
* Started implementing a [https://github.com/VincentDirks/Playwright-my-cvwiki suite for this CV Wiki]
Note: This page is now massive, but it's handy to have it all in one place so that I can use ctrl-f to find notes... I'll be using this page as my cheatsheet for Playwright

== Section 1: Preparation ==
== Section 1: Preparation ==
Line 43: Line 52:
== Section 3: Playwright Hands-On Overview ==
== Section 3: Playwright Hands-On Overview ==
* create new folder & <code>npm init playwright@latest</code>
* create new folder & <code>npm init playwright@latest</code>
* install browsers <code>npx playwright install</code>
=== Ways to Run & Debug ===
=== Ways to Run & Debug ===
* CLI Test Executions  
* CLI Test Executions  
Line 49: Line 59:
npx playwright test example.spec.ts --project=chromium --headed
npx playwright test example.spec.ts --project=chromium --headed
npx playwright test -g "has title"
npx playwright test -g "has title"
npx playwright show-report</nowiki>
npx playwright show-report
CI=true npx playwright test</nowiki>

* Test Execution with UI - ''OMG this debug UI is cool!''
* Test Execution with UI - ''OMG this debug UI is cool!''
Line 61: Line 72:
: trace can be generated from CI/CD pipeline too, and then you can view the results saved in a zip file with a trace viewer
: trace can be generated from CI/CD pipeline too, and then you can view the results saved in a zip file with a trace viewer

* Test Execution with debug <nowiki>
* Test Execution with debug
npx playwright test --project=chromium --debug</nowiki>
npx playwright test --project=chromium --debug</nowiki>
: this opens the Playwright inspector showing the code, debugging controls, and console information
: this opens the Playwright inspector showing the code, debugging controls, and console information
Line 1,046: Line 1,058:

=== Page Objects Helper Base ===
=== Page Objects Helper Base ===
File <code>page-objects\helperBase.ts</code>
import { Page } from "@playwright/test"
export class HelperBase {
  readonly page: Page
  constructor(page: Page) {
    this.page = page
  async waitForNumberOfSeconds(timeInSeconds: number) {
    await this.page.waitForTimeout(timeInSeconds * 1000)
File <code>page-objects\navigationPage.ts</code>
async formLayoutsPage() {
    await this.selectGroupMenuItem("Forms")
    await this.page.getByText("Form Layouts").click()
    await this.waitForNumberOfSeconds(2)
Which is used in <code>tests\usePageObjects.spec.ts</code>
test("Page Manger", async ({ page }) => {
  const pm = new PageManager(page)
  await pm.navigateTo().formLayoutsPage()
  await pm
      "Option 2"
  await pm
      "John Smith",
  await pm.navigateTo().datePickerPage()
  await pm.onDatePickerPage().selectCommonDatePickerDateFromToday(10)
  await pm.onDatePickerPage().selectDatePickerWithRangeFromToday(6, 15)
== Section 7: Working With APIs ==
=== What is an API? ===
I'm reasonably familiar with API's. Just making some cursory notes for this lesson.
* Headers
* Method
* Body
Response Status Codes
* 200's - Success
* 300's - Redirection
* 400's - Client Error
* 500's - Server Error
Playwright API Mocking
* powerful
* fast
* risky when API contracts are changing
=== Setup New Project ===
* goto https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/
** open dev tools to observe network traffic
** create account
** create an article
** delete the article
*download & install Postman
*VS Code
** Create new project folder <code>~/Repositories/PlaywrightUdemyCourse/pw-APITest-app</code>
** open new terminal and run <code>npm init playwright@latest</code>
** delete <code>test-examples</code> folder
** rename <code>tests\example.spec.ts</code> to <code>tests\workingWithAPI.spec.ts</code>
=== Mocking an API Response ===
* Goto https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/
* check network tab in dev tools
* mocking the tags api call
file <code>tests\workingWithAPI.spec.ts</code>
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test"
import ressponseBody from "../test-data/tags.json"
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
  await page.route(
    async (route) => {
      await route.fulfill({
        body: JSON.stringify(ressponseBody),
  await page.goto("https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/")
test("has title", async ({ page }) => {
  await expect(page.locator(".navbar-brand")).toHaveText("conduit")
  await expect(
    page.locator(".tag-default.tag-pill", { hasText: "Playwright" })
file <code>test-data\tags.json</code>
  "tags": ["Automation", "Playwright"]
=== Modifying an API Response ===
Add the following code the the previous <code>test.beforeEach(...)</code> call
  await page.route("*/**/api/articles*", async (route) => {
    const response = await route.fetch()
    const responseBody = await response.json()
    responseBody.articles[0].title = "This is a test title"
    responseBody.articles[0].description = "This is a description"
    await route.fulfill({ body: JSON.stringify(responseBody) })
=== Performing API Requests ===
To test the delete article function we need to first use the API to
* Login to obtain access token
* create an article
And then we can use web ui to
* Login
* go to Global Feed tab
* find & click the article we created
* delete the article
* refresh the Global Feed tab
* Confirm the article is no longer listed
test("Delete Article", async ({ page, request }) => {
  const response = await request.post(
      data: {
        user: {
          email: "conduit@dirksonline.net",
          password: "qB85R86#ZMKME$jVEVq#vJMDr*A!cJk",
  const responseBody = await response.json()
  const accessToken = responseBody.user.token
  const articleResponse = await request.post(
      data: {
        article: {
          title: "Test Title",
          description: "Test description",
          body: "Test body",
          tagList: [],
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Token ${accessToken}`,
  await page.getByText('Global Feed').click()
  await page.getByText('Test Title').click()
  await page.getByRole('button',{name:'Delete Article'}).first().click()
  await page.getByText('Global Feed').click()
  await expect(page.locator("app-article-list h1").first()).not.toContainText(
    "Test Title"
=== Intercept Browser API Response ===
test("create article", async ({ page, request }) => {
  // Use the web ui to create the article
  await page.getByText("New Article").click()
  await page
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Article Title" })
    .fill("Playwright is awesome")
  await page
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "What's this article about?" })
    .fill("About Playwright")
  await page
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Write your article (in markdown)" })
    .fill("We like to use Playwright for automation")
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Publish Article" }).click()
  // intercept the API response to extract the slug which is needed for clean up later
  const articleResponse = await page.waitForResponse(
  const articleresponseBody = await articleResponse.json()
  const slugID = articleresponseBody.article.slug
  // Assert that article was created
  await expect(page.locator(".article-page h1")).toContainText(
    "Playwright is awesome"
  // Go to global feed
  await page.getByText("Home").click()
  await page.getByText("Global Feed").click()
  // Assert new article is listed
  await expect(page.locator("app-article-list h1").first()).toContainText(
    "Playwright is awesome"
  // Clean up
  // Obtain access token for API call
  const response = await request.post(
      data: {
        user: {
          email: "conduit@dirksonline.net",
          password: "qB85R86#ZMKME$jVEVq#vJMDr*A!cJk",
  const responseBody = await response.json()
  const accessToken = responseBody.user.token
  // delete the article using the slug extracted earlier
  const articleDeleteResponse = await request.delete(
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Token ${accessToken}`,
* should really only login once and re-use the access token
* should be refactored using page objects to improve readability
=== Sharing Authentication State ===
Create new folder <code>.auth</code>
Create new file <code>tests\auth.setup.ts</code>
import { test as setup } from "@playwright/test"
const authfile = ".auth/user.json"
setup("authentication", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto("https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/")
  await page.getByText("Sign in").click()
  await page
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await page
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Password" })
  await page.getByRole("button").click()
  await page.waitForResponse('https://conduit-api.bondaracademy.com/api/tags')
  await page.context().storageState({ path: authfile })
In file<code>playwright.config.ts</code> update <code>projects</code>
  /* Configure projects for major browsers */
  projects: [
    { name: "setup", testMatch: "auth.setup.ts" },
      name: "chromium",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"], storageState: ".auth/user.json" },
      dependencies: ["setup"],
      name: "firefox",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Firefox"], storageState: ".auth/user.json" },
      dependencies: ["setup"],
      name: "webkit",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Safari"], storageState: ".auth/user.json" },
      dependencies: ["setup"],
Delete the login steps from <code>test.beforeEach(...)</code>, but leave the <code>page.goto(...)</code>
* this all seems a little spooky, I'd prefer something in a beforeXXX(...) hook that saves something that is recalled .... will need to look a bit deeper into the <code>page.context().storageState()</code> stuff
* something is broken in v1.44.0 and needed to down grade to 1.43.0 (
** update package.json "@playwright/test": "1.43.0"
** delete package-lock.json
** run <code>npm install</code>
** run <code>npx playwright install</code>
=== API Authentication ===
File <code>tests/auth.setup.ts</code> change to use API and save to file <code>.auth\user.json</code> env variable <code>ACCESS_TOKEN</code>
setup("authentication", async ({ request }) => {
  const response = await request.post(
      data: {
        user: {
          email: "conduit@dirksonline.net",
          password: "qB85R86#ZMKME$jVEVq#vJMDr*A!cJk",
  const responseBody = await response.json()
  const accessToken = responseBody.user.token
  user.origins[0].localStorage[0].value = accessToken
  fs.writeFileSync(authfile, JSON.stringify(user))
  process.env['ACCESS_TOKEN'] = accessToken</nowiki>
File <code>tests/workingWithAPI.spec.ts</code> remove all code for obtaining access token, and for specifying the access token header
File <code>playwright.config.ts</code> add <code>extraHTTPHeaders</code> node
export default defineConfig({
  use: {
    extraHTTPHeaders: {
      'Authorization': `Token ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`
* tried playwright@1.44.1 which still gives issues with the setup settings/file etc. continued using 1.43.0
* This relies on <code>.auth\user.json</code> existing with the correct format, but it is in .gitignore so a clean clone of repo will not work
* I do like how this now removes a lot of boiler code from test cases.
* I wonder, given that the auth header is now always included via the env variable, is the <code>.auth\user.json</code> still needed? (Might also need removing storageState values from the <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
== Section 8: Advanced ==
=== npm Scripts and CLI Commands ===
npx playwright test usePageObjects.spec.ts --project=chromium
npx playwright show-report
npx playwright test usePageObjects.spec.ts --project=firefox
In file: <code>package.json</code> add these to scripts node
"pageObjects-chrome": "npx playwright test usePageObjects.spec.ts --project=chromium",
"pageObjects-firefox": "npx playwright test usePageObjects.spec.ts --project=firefox",
"pageObjects-all": "npm run pageObjects-chrome & npm run pageObjects-firefox"</nowiki>
npm run pageObjects-chrome
npm run pageObjects-firefox
npm run pageObjects-all</nowiki>
* && runs sequentially
* & runs parallely
* On windows npm scripts are executed in cmd.exe by default, use this to change it to bash <code>npm config set script-shell "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"</code>
=== Test Data Generator ===
Install faker with <code>npm i @faker-js/faker --save-dev --force</code> (force because it has several CVE's)
Update test in <code>tests\usePageObjects.spec.ts</code>
test("Page Manger", async ({ page }) => {
  const pm = new PageManager(page)
  const randomFullName = faker.person.fullName({
    // sex: "male",      // specify sex (optional)
    // lastName: "Johns", // specify last name (optional)
  const randomEmail = `${randomFullName.replace(/ /g, "")}${faker.number.int(
  await pm.navigateTo().formLayoutsPage()
  await pm
      "Option 2"
  await pm
    .submitInLineFormWithNameEmailAndCheckbox(randomFullName, randomEmail, true)
  await pm.navigateTo().datePickerPage()
  await pm.onDatePickerPage().selectCommonDatePickerDateFromToday(10)
  await pm.onDatePickerPage().selectDatePickerWithRangeFromToday(6, 15)
* The faker fullName() method can sometimes add title prefixes, suffixes, etc., which look very odd in email addresses ....
=== Test Retries ===
* workers are clean incognito browser windows
* worker is re-used after completing a passing test
* a new worker is started after a failed test
* with retries on the failed test is retried in the new worker
* with retries off the next test is started in the new worker
In file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig({
  /* Retry on CI only */
  retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 1,
  use: {
    /* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
    trace: "on-first-retry", //['on-first-retry', 'on-all-retries', 'off', 'on', 'retain-on-failure']
In file <code>tests\uiComponents.spec.ts</code>
test.describe.only("Forms Layouts page", () => {
  test.describe.configure({ retries: 2,  })
  test.beforeEach(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
      // can clean up from previous failed attempt
* Having trace on-first-retry is very cool
=== Parallel Execution ===
* worker per <code>*.spec.ts</code> file
* inside <code>*.spec.ts</code> files test cases are execute sequentially
In file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
fullyParallel: false,
workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
* <code>fullyParallel</code> is used to guide within a spec file
* undefined workers allows playwright to decide, usually one per spec file
Can override config values inside <code>*.spec.ts</code> files
test.describe.configure({mode:'parallel'}) // spec file root level
test.describe.parallel("Forms Layouts page", () => { // in test suite
=== Screenshots and Videos ===
In Code
await page.screenshot({ path: "screenshots/formsLayoutsPage.png" })
const buffer = await page.screenshot()
await page.locator("nb-card", {hasText: "Inline form" }).screenshot({ path: "screenshots/inlineForm.png" })</nowiki>
In file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig({
  /* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
  use: {
    video: 'on',
    .. or ..
    video: {
      mode: "on",
      size: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },
  /* Configure projects for major browsers */
  projects: [
      name: "chromium",
      use: {
        ...devices["Desktop Chrome"],
        viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },
=== Environment Variables ===
There are many ways to specify environment specific values
In file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
  use: {
    /* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
    baseURL: 'http://localhost:4200',
    .. or ..
    baseURL: process.env.DEV ? 'http://the.dev.env.com'
    : process.env.STAGING ? 'http://the.staging.env.com'
    : 'http://localhost:4200',
.. or ..
  /* Configure projects for major browsers */
  projects: [
      name: "Dev",
      use: {
        baseURL: 'http://the.dev.env.com',       
      name: "Staging",
      use: {
        baseURL: 'http://the.staging.env.com',       
Or Extend
Create file <code>test-options.ts</code>
import {test as base} from '@playwright/test'
export type TestOptions = {
    globalsQaURL: string
export const test = base.extend<TestOptions>({
    globalsQaURL: ['', {option:true}]
import type { TestOptions } from "./test-options"
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
  use: {
    globalsQaURL: 'https://www.globalsqa.com/demo-site/draganddrop/',
.. or ..
  /* Configure projects for major browsers */
  projects: [
      name: "Dev",
      use: {
        globalsQaURL: 'https://dev.globalsqa.com/demo-site/draganddrop/',
Then in <code>*.spec.ts</code>
test("drag and drop with iframe", async ({ page, globalsQaURL }) => {
  await page.goto(globalsQaURL)
Using <code>process.env</code> OS environment variables (but there'll be shell and OS variations though)
Assuming bash shell.
Specify variable in file <code>package.json</code>
  "scripts": {
    "pageObjects-chrome": "npx playwright test usePageObjects.spec.ts --project=chromium",
    "autoWait-dev": "URL=http://uitestingplayground.com/ajax npm run pageObjects-chrome"
Then in <code>*.spec.ts</code>
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto(process.env.URL)
Or use a <code>.env</code> file
In file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
* Read environment variables from file.
* https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv
require('dotenv').config(); //or ...config({ path: '/custom/path/to/.env' })
Making sure to add <code>.env</code> to <code>.gitignore</code> to avoid leaking credentials to repo.
I like to create a <code>.env.template</code> file
=== Configuration File ===
Cleaning up <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
* removing default settings
* removing comments
There are
* global settings, and
* global runtime settings in the <code>use:{...}</code> block.
Then inside the <code>projects[{...},{...} ...]</code> array each node has a name, and can then override any of the global settings, and runtime settings in a <code>use:{...}</code> subblock.
You can also create and use entirely separate <code>*.config.ts</code> files and run them with <code>npx playwright test --config=playwright-prod.config.ts</code>
Also see [https://playwright.dev/docs/test-configuration test configuration] and [https://playwright.dev/docs/test-use-options test use options] in the Playwright documentation.
=== Fixtures ===
* Power tool to setup the test environment
* custom fixtures extend the base test object
* you can auto load fixtures
* you can create dependencies between fixtures
* you can also specify tear down code
Update file <code>test-options.ts</code>
import { test as base } from "@playwright/test"
import { PageManager } from "./page-objects/pageManager"
export type TestOptions = {
  globalsQaURL: string
  formLayoutsPage: string
  pageManager: PageManager
export const test = base.extend<TestOptions>({
  globalsQaURL: ["", { option: true }],
  formLayoutsPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    await page.goto("/")
    await page.getByText("Forms").click()
    await page.getByText("Form Layouts").click()
    await use("")
    console.log('Tear Down formLayoutsPage')
  // { auto: true }],
  pageManager: async ({ page, formLayoutsPage }, use) => {  // pageManager depends on formLayoutsPage
    const pm = new PageManager(page)
    await use(pm)
    console.log('Tear Down pageManager')
Create new file <code>tests\testWithFictures.spec.ts</code>
import { test } from "../test-options"
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker"
//test("parameterised methods", async ({ page, formLayoutsPage }) => { // using formLayoutsPage fixture
//test("parameterised methods", async ({ page }) => {      // using {auto:true} in formLayoutsPage fixture
test("parameterised methods", async ({ pageManager }) => {  // using new pageManager fixture
  const randomFullName = faker.person.fullName()
  const randomEmail = `${randomFullName.replace(/ /g, "")}${faker.number.int(
  await pageManager
      "Option 2"
  await pageManager
    .submitInLineFormWithNameEmailAndCheckbox(randomFullName, randomEmail, true)
=== Project Setup and Teardown ===
1. Create <code>tests\newArticle.setup.ts</code> to create a new article via API
import { expect, test as setup } from "@playwright/test"
setup("create new article", async ({ request }) => {
  const articleResponse = await request.post(
      data: {
        article: {
          title: "Likes Test Article",
          description: "Test description",
          body: "Test body",
          tagList: [],
  const response = await articleResponse.json()
  const slugId = response.article.slug
  process.env["SLUGID"] = slugId
2. Create <code>tests\likesCounter.spec.ts</code> to test the like counter
test("Like counter increase", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto("https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/")
  await page.getByText("Global Feed").click()
  const firstLikeButton = page
  await expect(firstLikeButton).toContainText("0")
  await firstLikeButton.click()
  await expect(firstLikeButton).toContainText("1")
3. Create <code>tests\articleCleanUp.setup.ts</code> to clean up (ie. delete) the article created via API
setup("delete article", async ({ request }) => {
  // Clean up
  // delete the article using the slug extracted earlier
  const articleDeleteResponse = await request.delete(
4. Update <code>playwright.config.ts</code> to create new projects
:* articleSetup (with dependency on setup to fetch auth token, and using teardown)
:* likeCounter (with dependency on articleSetup)
:* articleCleanUp
export default defineConfig({
  projects: [
    { name: "setup", testMatch: "auth.setup.ts" },
      name: "articleSetup",
      testMatch: "newArticle.setup.ts",
      dependencies: ["setup"],
      teardown: "articleCleanUp",
      name: "articleCleanUp",
      testMatch: "articleCleanUp.setup.ts",
      name: "likeCounter",
      testMatch: "likesCounter.spec.ts",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"], storageState: ".auth/user.json" },
      dependencies: ["articleSetup"],
=== Global Setup and Teardown ===
1. Create file <code>global-setup.ts</code> with more or less same code as file <code>tests\newArticle.setup.ts</code>
import { expect, request } from "@playwright/test"
import user from "./.auth/user.json"
import fs from "fs"
async function globalSetup() {
  const authfile = ".auth/user.json"
  const context = await request.newContext()
  const responseToken = await context.post(...  )
  const responseBody = await responseToken.json()
  const accessToken = responseBody.user.token
  user.origins[0].localStorage[0].value = accessToken
  fs.writeFileSync(authfile, JSON.stringify(user))
  process.env["ACCESS_TOKEN"] = accessToken
  const articleResponse = await context.post(...)
  const articleResponseBody = await articleResponse.json()
  const slugId = articleResponseBody.article.slug
  process.env["SLUGID"] = slugId
export default globalSetup</nowiki>
2. Create file <code>global-teardown.ts</code>
import { request, expect } from "@playwright/test"
async function globalTeardown() {
  const context = await request.newContext()
  // Clean up
  // delete the article using the slug extracted earlier
  const articleDeleteResponse = await context.delete(
      headers: { Authorization: `Token ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}` },
export default globalTeardown</nowiki>
3. Create file <code>tests\likesCounterGlobal.spec.ts</code>
import { test, expect, request } from "@playwright/test"
test("Like counter increase", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto("https://conduit.bondaracademy.com/")
  await page.getByText("Global Feed").click()
  const firstLikeButton = page
  await expect(firstLikeButton).toContainText("0")
  await firstLikeButton.click()
  await expect(firstLikeButton).toContainText("1")
4. Update file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig({
  globalSetup: require.resolve("./global-setup.ts"),
  globalTeardown: require.resolve("./global-teardown.ts"),
  projects: [
      name: "likeCounterGlobal",
      testMatch: "likesCounterGlobal.spec.ts",
      use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"], storageState: ".auth/user.json" },
=== Test Tags ===
test("navigate to all pages @smoke @regression", async ({ page }) => {
test("parameterised methods @smoke", async ({ page }) => {
test.describe("Forms Layouts page @block", () => {
  test.describe.configure({ retries: 2 })
  test("input fields", async ({ page }) => {
npx playwright test --project=chromium --grep @smoke
npx playwright test --project=chromium --grep @regression
npx playwright test --project=chromium --grep @block
npx playwright test --project=chromium --grep "@block|@smoke"</nowiki>
=== Mobile Device Emulator ===
1. Create new file <code>tests/testMobile.spec.ts</code>
import { test } from "@playwright/test"
test("input fields", async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
  await page.goto("/")
  const isMobile = testInfo.project.name === 'mobile'
  isMobile && await page.locator('.sidebar-toggle').click() // to show the sidebar which is hidden for mobile devices
  await page.getByText("Forms").click()
  await page.getByText("Form Layouts").click()
  isMobile && await page.locator('.sidebar-toggle').click()
  const usingTheGridEmailInput = page
    .locator("nb-card", { hasText: "Using the Grid" })
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await usingTheGridEmailInput.fill("test@test.com")
  await usingTheGridEmailInput.clear()
  await usingTheGridEmailInput.fill("test2@test.com")
2. Update <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
  projects: [
      name: "mobile",
      testMatch: "testMobile.spec.ts",
      use: {
      ...devices["iPhone 13 Pro"],
        // ..OR..
        // viewport: { width: 414, height: 800 },
=== Reporters ===
Configure reporters in <code>playwright.config.ts</code> as per
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
  reporter: [
    ["json", { outputFile: "test-results/jsonReport.json" }],
    ["junit", { outputFile: "test-results/junitReport.xml" }],
==== Allure ====
Setup for windows
* [https://www.java.com/en/download/ java download] (FYI: I did not need to set JAVA_HOME)
* [https://scoop.sh/ Scoop]
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://get.scoop.sh | Invoke-Expression</nowiki>
* [https://allurereport.org/docs/install-for-windows/ Allure report install for windows]
<nowiki>scoop install allure</nowiki>
* [https://www.npmjs.com/package/allure-playwright/v/2.15.1 npm:allure-playwright]
npm i -D @playwright/test allure-playwright --force</nowiki>
Now you can run some tests followed by
allure generate allure-results -o allure-report --clean
allure open allure-report</nowiki>
Don't forget to add <code>allure-results</code> and <code>allure-report</code> to <code>.gitignore</code>
Allure looks cool but also looks like a bit of a learning curve ...
PS. it seems pretty straight forward to create your own custom reporter as per these instructions [https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-reporter Playwright class reporter]
=== Visual Testing ===
This is so cool! Simply call <code>await expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot(...)</code> on an element. The first run through creates screenshot(s) inside a subfolder from <code>tests</code> folder. Second run compares current actual with previously expected. If there's any significant differences they are saved to subfolders in the <code>test-results</code> folder, and the html reporter has a very nice way to see and compare snapshots.
You can control settings in the code
    await expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot({maxDiffPixels:150, maxDiffPixelRatio: 0.01})</nowiki>
as well as in file <code>playwright.config.ts</code>
export default defineConfig<TestOptions>({
  expect: {
    toMatchSnapshot: { maxDiffPixels: 50 },
If you need to update a lot of snapshots use
npx playwright test --update-snapshots</nowiki>
I would like to try doing visual testing of small parts on the screen, and then test the integration of those parts but masking the smaller parts so that the larger integration test only checks that the sub parts are there, but not test the sub part internals. The mask option of <code>.toHaveScreenshot({mask: [maskedElement1,maskedElement2]})</code> can take an array of locators. However, this would apply the same colour to all of them, might try using CSS through <code>.toHaveScreenshot({ stylePath: path.join(__dirname, 'screenshot.css') })</code> to render the elements with a solid block with different colours.
To do this I need to identify the child elements and set their <code>visibility: hidden;</code> and then the element to have <code>background-color: #909090;</code>
ngx-form-layouts > div.row:nth-child(2) > div.col-md-6:nth-child(2) > nb-card:nth-child(1) > nb-card-body {
ngx-form-layouts > div.row:nth-child(2) > div.col-md-6:nth-child(2) > nb-card:nth-child(1) {
  background-color: #909090;
for the course's test web app.
Could consider assigning colours programmatically at run time...
=== Playwright with Docker Container ===
* Make sure [https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/ Docker Desktop] is installed
<code>docker</code> file allows you to build a docker image
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v1.44.1-jammy
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app/
RUN npm install --force
RUN npx playwright install</nowiki>
docker build -t pw-pageobject-test .
docker images
docker run -it pw-pageobject-test</nowiki>
The last command starts the container and you can execute commands such as
npm run pageObjects-chrome</nowiki>
<code>compose.yaml</code> file allows you to build and execute an image as well as obtain files/folder from a running instance
    image: playwright-test
      context: .
      dockerfile: ./dockerfile
    command: npm run pageObjects-chrome
      - ./playwright-report/:/app/playwright-report
      - ./test-results/:/app/test-results</nowiki>
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose up</nowiki>
Will run (& build) the image in the container, execute the command, and at the end copy the generated files back to the host computer.
=== Github Actions and Argos CI ===
'''GitHub Actions'''
* Link to instructions [https://playwright.dev/docs/ci-intro on Playwright]
* Create file <code>.github\workflows\playwright.yml</code> copy from instructions above, then some small edits
name: Playwright Tests
    branches: [ main, master ]
    branches: [ main, master ]
    timeout-minutes: 60
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
        node-version: 20
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: npm ci --force
    - name: Install Playwright Browsers
      run: npx playwright install --with-deps --force
    - name: Run Playwright tests
      run: npm run pageObjects-chrome
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
      if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
        name: playwright-report
        path: playwright-report/
        retention-days: 30</nowiki>
* update node version, add --force x2, change final run command <code>run: npm run pageObjects-chrome</code>
* commit & push to [https://github.com/VincentDirks/Playwright-Udemy-Course GitHub]
* see [https://github.com/VincentDirks/Playwright-Udemy-Course/actions actions tab] for progress and to see test artifacts saved
'''argos CI'''
* Go to [https://argos-ci.com argos-CI] to create account, best to select to continue with GitHub. (selecting Hobby - I'm working on personal projects)
* Create a new project, and select the repo to integrate
* Go to [https://argos-ci.com/docs/quickstart/playwright Playwright Quickstart] for instructions
** install <code>npm i --save-dev @argos-ci/playwright --force</code>
** Setup Argos in your Playwright config (no need to provide token value when integrating through GitHub)
** Take screenshots
eg. In file <code>tests\usePageObjects.spec.ts</code>
import { argosScreenshot } from "@argos-ci/playwright"
test.only("Testing with argos CI", async ({ page }) => {
  const pm = new PageManager(page)
  await pm.navigateTo().formLayoutsPage()
  await argosScreenshot(page,"form layouts page")
  await pm.navigateTo().datePickerPage()
  await argosScreenshot(page,"date picker page")
** commit & push to GitHub
** Verify the GitHub action has been processed
** Verify the reference build in argo-ci
* Implement some "design changes" to the web app being tested
* Create new branch, make (visual) changes, commit, push to GitHub, create PR to master
* This will trigger GitHub action and argos-CI will detect the visual changes
* verify the argos-CI verification step has failed on GitHub
* review the visual changes in argos-CI, approve them
* pull request can now be merged
Note: checked the documentation for argos-CI and you can also mask and apply CSS prior to taking the screenshot.

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