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=== Date Picker ===
=== Date Picker ===
test("Date Picker", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.getByText("Forms").click()
  await page.locator(".menu-item").getByText("Datepicker").click()
  const calendarInputfield = page.getByPlaceholder("Form Picker")
  await calendarInputfield.click()
  await page.getByPlaceholder("Form Picker").click()
  let date = new Date()
  date.setDate(date.getDate() + 500)
  const expectedDate = date.getDate().toString()
  const expectedMonthShort = date.toLocaleString("En-US", { month: "short" })
  const expectedMonthLong = date.toLocaleString("En-US", { month: "long" })
  const expectedYear = date.getFullYear()
  const formattedDate = `${expectedMonthShort} ${expectedDate}, ${expectedYear}`
  let calendarMonthAndYear = await page
  const expectedMonthAndYear = ` ${expectedMonthLong} ${expectedYear} `
  while (!calendarMonthAndYear.includes(expectedMonthAndYear)) {
    await page.locator(".next-month").click()
    //    await page.locator('nb-calendar-pageable-navigation [data-name="chevron-right"]').click()
    calendarMonthAndYear = await page
  await page
    .locator('[class="day-cell ng-star-inserted"]')
    .getByText(expectedDate, { exact: true })
  await expect(calendarInputfield).toHaveValue(formattedDate)
* be careful when adding to a date, it may wrap to the next month
* things I don't quite like here
** all the date string variables, and using the <code>expected</code> prefixes
** this check "sometimes" checks the next month button. but not always - these should be two separate checks (test cases)
** the code duplication for <code>calendarMonthAndYear = ...</code>
** the course uses <code>'nb-calendar-pageable-navigation [data-name="chevron-right"]'</code> when <code>".next-month"</code> is cleaner and more readable
** the while loop is dangerous, it assumes that <code>calendarMonthAndYear.includes(expectedMonthAndYear)</code> will be true at some point.
:::Consider what would happen if the format of the displayed text is changed (eg. the developer changes it to use a short month...)
:::I think a for loop with conditional exit break would be better,
:::and using two separate checks, for short month, and then year, would be more resilient.
With suggested changes
test("Date Picker", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.getByText("Forms").click()
  await page.locator(".menu-item").getByText("Datepicker").click()
  const calendarInputfield = page.getByPlaceholder("Form Picker")
  await calendarInputfield.click()
  await page.getByPlaceholder("Form Picker").click()
  let selectDate = new Date()
  const addDays = 500
  selectDate.setDate(selectDate.getDate() + addDays)
  const selectDayOfMonth = selectDate.getDate().toString() // value of "1" to "31"
  const selectMonth = selectDate.toLocaleString("En-US", { month: "short" })
  const selectYear = selectDate.getFullYear().toString()
  const formattedSelectDate = `${selectMonth} ${selectDayOfMonth}, ${selectYear}`
  for (let i = 0; i < addDays / 28; i++) { // divide by shortest month
    let calendarMonthAndYear = await page
    if (
      calendarMonthAndYear.includes(selectMonth) &&
    ) {
    } else {
      await page.locator(".next-month").click()
  await page
    .locator('[class="day-cell ng-star-inserted"]')
    .getByText(selectDayOfMonth, { exact: true })
    // locator has to be exact match, partial matches would include days from prev and next months
  await expect(calendarInputfield).toHaveValue(formattedSelectDate)
=== Sliders ===
=== Sliders ===
=== Drag & Drop with iFrames ===
=== Drag & Drop with iFrames ===