Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero: Difference between revisions

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=== Radio Buttons ===
=== Radio Buttons ===
//await usingTheGridForm.getByLabel('Option 1').check({force:true})
await usingTheGridForm
    .getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 1" })
    .check({ force: true })
const radioStatus = await usingTheGridForm
    .getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 1" })
await expect(
    usingTheGridForm.getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 1" })
await usingTheGridForm
    .getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 2" })
    .check({ force: true })
    await usingTheGridForm
    .getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 1" })
    await usingTheGridForm
        .getByRole("radio", { name: "Option 2" })
=== Checkboxes ===
=== Checkboxes ===
=== Lists & Dropdowns ===
=== Lists & Dropdowns ===