Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero

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Link to Udemy Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero

Section 1: Preparation

Playwright vs Cypress

Playwright Pros. Cypress Pros.
  • Faster test execution
  • OOTB free parallel execution
  • Multiple languages (JS/TS, Python, Java, C#
  • Multiple Tabs
  • Better iFrames
  • similar to Selenium
  • Less code - fast to write
  • Better auto-wait mechanism
  • Better documentation
  • Better testrunner (time machine)
  • Dashboard service

Development Environment Configuration

  • node.js => updated => done
  • Git => updated => done
  • VS Code => updated => done
  • Playwright extn for VS Code => installed

Clone Test App

--force needed to accept various warnings

Section 2: JavaScript Fundamentals

I'm familiar with JavaScript - I'm fast forwarding through this without keeping notes

Section 3: Playwright Hands-On Overview

  • create new folder & npm init playwright@latest

Ways to Run & Debug

  • CLI Test Executions
npx playwright test
npx playwright test example.spec.ts --project=chromium --headed
npx playwright test -g "has title"
npx playwright show-report
  • Test Execution with UI - OMG this debug UI is cool!
npx playwright test --ui
  • Test Execution with trace on
npx playwright test --project=chromium --trace on
npx playwright show-report
=> you can now open the trace from the report (which looks similar to the ui tool above)
trace can be generated from CI/CD pipeline too, and then you can view the results saved in a zip file with a trace viewer
  • Test Execution with debug npx playwright test --project=chromium --debug
this opens the Playwright inspector showing the code, debugging controls, and console information
and the browser window
  • Test execution with VS Code Extension => Test Explorer
Navigate to the test you want to debug
set any breakpoint(s)
VS Code shows the code, debugging controls, and console information

Tests Structure

First Test

  1. In VS Code
  3. run npm init playwright@latest --force
  • force is needed to avoid errors
  • package.json updated with new dev dependencies
  • playwright.config.ts is created as well as other files
  1. delete test-examples folder - it's not needed
  2. delete test/example.spec.ts file - it's not needed
  3. create file firsTest.spec.ts
import {test} from '@playwright/test'
test('the first test', async ({page}) => {
    await page.goto('http://localhost:4200/')
    await page.getByText('Forms').click()
    await page.getByText('Form Layouts').click()
  • Notice the page fixture, it has a lot of useful methods, eg. page.goto('url') and page.getByText('label')

Hooks & Control Flow

  • tes.describe(' a test suite'...)
  • test.beforeEach() and test.beforeAll()
can be used outside as well as inside a suite
  • .only(..) can be used on tests as well as suites
  • test.afterEach() and test.afterAll()
try to avoid using the after... hooks, better to do it in the before... hooks

Section 4: Interaction with Web Elements

Understanding DOM and Terminology - Review HTML terms

   <html_tag_name html-attribute="a value" class="class1 class2" id="unique">
        ... html text value

Locator Syntax Rules

    page.locator('input') //finds all of them
    page.locator('#inputEmail1') // by id
    page.locator('.shape-rectangle')     //by class value
    page.locator('[placeholder="Email"]')     // by attribute
    page.locator('[class="input-full-width size-medium status-basic shape-rectangle nb-transition cdk-focused cdk-mouse-focused"]')     // by class value (full)
    page.locator('input[placeholder="Email"][nbinput].shape-rectangle')     // combine selectors
    page.locator('//*[@id="inputEmail1"]')     // XPath (NOT Recommended because it's testing implementation rather than user visible aspects)
    page.locator(':text("Using")')  // by partial text match
    page.locator(':text-is("Using the Grid")')     // by exact text match


If you had previously run the test, and the associated browser window is still open, then when the cursor is on a code line with page.locator(...) it highlights the elements selected by the locator (very cool!)
It's blue when a single element is selected, and orange when multiple elements match the locator.

page.locator(...) will always return all matching elements, can use .first() to refine to first element to perform an action.

use npx playwright test --ui and click the watch icon so that test auto-re-runs when you edit the code (I love this)

User Facing Locators

Playwright Best Practices

  • Test user-visible behaviour
    • tests should typically only see/interact with rendered output
    • mimic user behaviour
  • page.getByRole(...)
    • See ARIA roles and attributes (google it?)
  await page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" }).first().click()
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Sign in" }).first().click()
  await page.getByLabel("Email").first().click()
  await page.getByPlaceholder('Jane Doe').click()
  await page.getByText('Using the Grid').click()
  await page.getByTestId('SignIn').click() // this expects html attribute=>  data-testid="SignIn"
  await page.getByTitle('IoT Dashboard').click()

Child Elements

test("Locating child elements", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.locator('nb-card nb-radio :text-is("Option 1")').click()
  await page.locator('nb-card').locator('nb-radio').locator(':text-is("Option 2")').click() // this is nicer than line above
  await page.locator('nb-card').getByRole('button', {name: "Sign In"}).first().click() // avoid first last, and nth because the lists enveriably change
  await page.locator('nb-card').nth(3).getByRole('button').click()

Parent Elements

test("Locating parent elements", async ({ page }) => {
  await page
    .locator("nb-card", { hasText: "Using the Grid" })
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await page
    .locator("nb-card", { has: page.locator("#inputEmail1") })
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await page
    .filter({ hasText: "Basic Form" })
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await page
    .filter({ has: page.locator("nb-checkbox") })
    .filter({ hasText: "Sign in" })
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })
  await page
    .locator(':text-is("Using the Grid")')
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })

  await page
    .getByText("Using the Grid")
    .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" })

I think I like best the last one, where you select something that looks like a heading to the user, and then go to the parent that contains the selected element, and the element you want to locate.
