Westpac NZ - Senior Automation Quality Engineer

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Apr-2021 - Nov-2023


During my time at Westpac, I worked as a roving Quality Engineer across various teams. This role involved learning about different product domains and technology stacks, both for the products and their automation. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that kept me engaged and encouraged continuous learning. My focus was always on thorough testing, addressing immediate issues and anticipating future challenges to ensure project success.


MF8TL Team - Legacy API Server Replacement

This team was implementing a replacement of a legacy API Server used by the bank's mobile and web apps. The old system had a mature API automation suite implemented using Java, TestNG, and REST Assured.

My work

  • Refactored and extended the existing mature API automation suite to test the replacement system.
  • Implemented method overloading to centralize reporting results to Splunk within the automation codebase.
  • Identified and applied suitable testing tools and processes from the old system to the new implementation.
  • Focused primarily on enhancing the API automation suite by creating new test scenarios using established patterns such as service classes, POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), and extending base test classes.
  • Streamlined code, reduced duplication, and centralized request dispatching and response handling processes through Splunk integration efforts.

Test Environments Team - React Web App to Visualise Test Environments

The BS11 Outsourcing policy for banks by the RBNZ requires banks like Westpac NZ to have systems and processes to be able to replace any outsourcing by the start of the next business day following an event, or instruction from the RBNZ. This includes severing all links to its parent Westpac Banking Corporation in Australia, within a matter of hours. Furthermore, BS11 requires credible evidence of this capability.

The Test Environments Team was established to manage the test environments necessary for Westpac NZ to demonstrate a separation event. My main task within this team was to build a small web app (UI and API) visualising systems and interconnections across various test environments. My role primarily focused on JavaScript web app development, but I often provided insights from a tester's perspective and liaised with the Westpac Quality Engineering Chapter for their feedback.

My work

  • Developed a small web app (UI and API) using Node.js, Express.js, and React..
  • Created node maps illustrating system interconnections across various test environments using mermaid.js.
  • Provided insights from a tester's perspective and liaised with the Westpac Quality Engineering Chapter.

Observability Squad

With this team I switched to a more Platform Engineering role, and became the Westpac Splunk Champion. We were supporting and growing the Splunk platform for Westpac internal technology teams. I have had exposure to Splunk in previous companies and have truly loved it for analysing data. I really like to try and find the customers' experiences come through the data. I would always ask the teams we were supporting on their Splunk onboarding journey three things:

  1. Are you logging how well your product/service/feature is working? eg transactions per hour
  2. Are you catching all the errors and warnings to know when the product/service/feature is doing something bad
  3. When you observe an error/warning are you recording good quality information that truly helps devOps understand the issue, and expedites the remediation of the issue?

The latter I find particularly important because in the end the objective is to minimise the risk of major issues by knowing about them quickly, and also being able to solve them quickly. Timely & good quality information is paramount.

D365 KiwiSaver Squad

Built a Selenium WebDriver POM based cucumber Java automation suite from scratch to test a D365 webapp.

Mobile Squad

Manual and automated testing of Westpac's iOS & Android mobile apps.