Udemy Playwright: Web Automation Testing From Zero to Hero: Difference between revisions

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use <code>npx playwright test --ui</code> and click the watch icon so that test auto-re-runs when you edit the code ''(I love this)''
use <code>npx playwright test --ui</code> and click the watch icon so that test auto-re-runs when you edit the code ''(I love this)''

==== x====
==== User Facing Locators ====
[https://playwright.dev/docs/best-practices Playwright Best Practices]
* Test user-visible behaviour
** tests should typically only see/interact with rendered output
** mimic user behaviour
* page.getByRole(...)
** See ARIA roles and attributes (google it?)
  await page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email" }).first().click()
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Sign in" }).first().click()
  await page.getByLabel("Email").first().click()
  await page.getByPlaceholder('Jane Doe').click()
  await page.getByText('Using the Grid').click()
  await page.getByTestId('SignIn').click() // this expects html attribute=>  data-testid="SignIn"
  await page.getByTitle('IoT Dashboard').click()</nowiki>
==== Child Elements ====

Navigation menu