Professional Development

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  • Fun http project: Create Personal QR Code for the NZ Covid 19 Tracing App (2020)


  • Microsoft Azure Discovery Day - 5-Dec-2016
  • StartUp Weekend - Auckland - 2016 Team: Grow My Food
  • WeTest 2016 Annual Conference - Influence & Inspire (Testing)
  • JAFAC Nomad8 unconference] (Agile)
  • Critical Thinking by Michael Bolton (1 day course)
  • Visual Modelling by Adam Howard (Trade Me internal training)
  • Meetups


  • WeTest 2015 annual conference
  • Rapid Software Testing by James Bach (was awarded the coveted James Bach star) (3 day course)


  • NZ Tester Magazine conference 2014 (2 day)
  • Risk Based Testing by Matt Mansell (1 day workshop)