
Past Learning Projects
==Past Learning Projects==
* '''Postman''' - developing a framework that allows orchestration of calls in any API endpoint collection to mimic a number of typical user sessions with Fiserv's mobile apps. Also designing it to be re-usable across many testing, certification, and production environments, and for any Financial Institution configured in those environments. Previous API automation suites were all close tied to a specific data configuration of a mocked environment, and could not be used in fully integrated environments.
== Archive ''2017'' * Extended internal SpecFlow (C#) suite of What I'm Reading, Watching, Listing, Learning ==API automation checks for our interface with Card Services * Powershell scripts to help make manual deployments more efficient.
''Dec 2016''
*[[Katrina Clokie's Mobile Testing Pathway]]
''Nov 2016''
*[[W3C tutorial on XPATH]]
*Made a [[Protractor and node.js automation suite for Crimson Login Page]]
*Made a [[Selenium automation suite for]]
''Oct 2016''
*''Selenium'' - setting it up on my mac with Maven. Exploring it with
*''Bootstrap'' - writing a static page showing 10 iFrames to show on a mobile - no joy
*''HTML'' - showing 10 iFrames side by side horizontally, one for each subject my son has at school.
''Sep 2016''
*''WikiMedia'' - using the wikipedia engine to set up this cvwiki and other wiki's
==Stuff I was reading, watching, listing==
*TestTalks by Joe Colantonio (podcast link TBD)
*[ Testing Trapeze] (NZ Magazine - discontinued from 2016)